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Gift Baskets and Other Creative Ways of Appreciating Employee Work

Posted by Gift Prose on 1/5/2015 to General
A reward and appreciation program within an organization is no longer just an option rather a must-do policy in the pursuit to retain and sustain employees. In a fast-changing job market where employees are faced with a variety of career options, companies must strive to motivate and inspire employees to keep the human resources. This can be done through the use of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards, and different companies will have different ways of implementing this program. But for organizations with limited resources, the challenge is saying ‘thank you’ to employees without ruining the corporate budget. Here are some recommendations on how your organization can show appreciation using cheap but effective approaches. 

‘Thank You’ notes or certificates of commendations 

For many hardworking employees, the best (and often most effective) gifts are the intangible and intrinsic that boost morale and motivation. While cash gifts or an all-expense paid dinner in a local restaurant can provide satisfaction and fun, the results are often fleeting and lacking. This is where intangible rewards can help boost employee satisfaction and even boost productivity and loyalty. For example, the office can run monthly awards program to identify employees that have performed and exceed job requirements. To acknowledge their efforts, the office can give certificates of commendations that can definitely boost morale and improve their resume. But there’s no need to wait for a month to end to recognize organizational achievers. Even the daily acts of kindness and productivity can be recognized through ‘Thank You’ notes or dissemination of memos that appreciate employee performance. 

Gift and wine baskets as giveaways

If there’s a budget to spare, then the office can incorporate gift-giving into the rewards and employee recognition program. Gift baskets can also serve as flexible and creative gift items that can be given to best performing employees of the organization. These are flexible gift options since the contents of baskets can be customized for variety and to meet employee needs and personality. For example here at Gift Prose, you have the option to choose between wine, gourmet, balloons, candy, and cookie bouquets and even inspirational gifts. Wine and gourmet baskets are sophisticated gifts for employees, and best given to clients and corporate top performers. And if you are looking for meaningful gifts, baskets packed with inspirational gifts can make the difference. 

A reward system for best-performing employees need not be expensive and complex. With the right mix of creativity and care for employees, HR professionals can count on employees that are satisfied and inspired to work for the company for many years.

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