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The Gift Basket Throughout Time

Posted by Gift Prose on 8/8/2014 to General

While the general public impression of gift baskets is that they are a modern and unique way to give presents to others, gift baskets have been around a long time, enjoying a rather long legacy. Spanning years and cultures, there are several fascinating stories of gift baskets that have been carried from one generation to the next throughout history.

The Easter Basket

Possibly one of the earliest accounts of a gift presented in a basket is the assemblage of young plants that the pagan goddess Eostre carried in a basket, to be given as a sacred offering. Although noted scholars still argue the place of Eostre in Easter history, their dialogue does nothing to detract from the fact that this is very likely the source of the idea that ultimately came to be the modern-day Easter gift basket.

The “Gift” Of Moses To The Egyptians

Another early gift basket story that has sacred connotations is the Old Testament story of Moses' mother placing the infant Moses into a wicker basket. She then hid the basket in the reeds on the river's edge so that the daughter of the Egyptian royal family would find him and eventually take Moses into her custody and protection.

Baskets Are Useful

Not only have baskets been used for gifting purposes, but they’ve also been used for numerous utilitarian purposes for centuries. They were used to carry eggs into the house from the chicken coop, or baskets called trugs were needed to harvest vegetables from the kitchen garden and get them into the home to prepare for meals. Baskets were used as a kind of large saddle bag on horses, donkeys and mules to carry supplies, and even people on occasion. This is an additional bonus that conveys with the presentation of a gift basket: After the basket’s contents have been used, the recipient has a nice basket to use for whatever purpose suits them.

A Handmade Process

Most baskets today, including the next gift basket you give or receive, are made by hand. Even with the advent of the Industrial Age, basket making is almost impossible to do by using machinery, so instead requires the same hand-crafting that has been used throughout time and history. Some cultures have turned basket production into a standard art form. Today you will find many Native American groups still weaving special baskets that will be used to gather wild huckleberries in the late spring and early summer. Many Native American tribes are famous for their basket-making artistry.

Each One Is Unique

The care taken with making anything by hand lends a level of special attention and unique detail that makes every gift basket a one of a kind, and so lovely to give and receive. Every item that goes into personalized gift baskets can be selected to meet the specific occasion and the style of the recipient. A gift basket can be created by using the favorite colors of that special someone in terms of wrap, ribbon and bows used.

Gifts in baskets can also be focused around a particular theme, such as a baby gift basket or holiday gift baskets. You can include gift items pertaining to any event you wish to celebrate, including anniversaries and weddings. Even corporations bestow these baskets to employees or clients, so that they will be honored in a positive way.

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