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Top Selling Gourmet Desserts

Posted by Dale on 12/4/2013 to General
A sweet tooth can be both a great thing if satisfied correctly. The guilty pleasures that most people cannot deny come in the form of dessert. Cookies, cakes, and tarts are common choices when it comes to sweet goodness.

Gourmet desserts have varying popularity trends that ensure there will always be a market for scrumptious goodies of all kinds. With such a large selection it is hard to decide on which are demanding the most attention.

A tart can wear several hats, which makes it such a popular choice. The Cabernet Pear tart is ultra rich with fresh fruit and a cabernet wine jelly. The flavorful treat has been named an Outstanding Dessert Finalist in 2003, and still has a loyal fan base that is growing more every day.

Cookies are getting orders in unbelievable quantities. Oatmeal raisin and pecan chocolate chunk have valuable reign. These cookies take gourmet to another level, as they have been mastered by top chefs to deliver pleasing flavors to remind you of home.

A unique choice up for grabs is a Giant Fortune Cookie. The vanilla cookie dipped in the finest Belgian chocolate is drawing major attention. With a fortune for every occasion from Valentine’s Day to a baby shower, the sweet candies and festive sprinkles are beginning to show up more and more.

For the health conscious, sugar free desserts are finding a place at the top of the yummy industry. No sugar added key lime cheesecake and marbled truffle cake are great for both your diet and your taste buds. The balance of luscious texture and amazing flavors puts these desserts amongst the top contenders.

Knowing that desserts will always have a faithful audience in the food industry makes each one competitive to the next. The top selling desserts are the ones that people cannot get enough of, but everyone has something delectable that will remain irresistible for years to come.

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