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Calling All Men!!

Posted by Gift Prose on 1/24/2015

Calling all men!  It’s that time of year to really impress upon that special lady in your life just how much she means to you and just how much you appreciate her.

For married men, Valentine’s Day is a time to show your wife that she is more the mother of your children, your spouse, the doer of laundry and dishes, cook, cleaner, chauffeur, tutor and so many other things.  This is your opportunity to show your wife that above all things, she is your lover and you appreciate everything she does for your family but most importantly, you appreciate everything she is.

Today’s wives and mothers have full schedules.  Whether they work outside of the home, are stay at home moms or work from home, the demands are endless.  Between carpool, soccer practice, homework, and household chores not to mention her job duties, these women can sometimes feel overwhelmed and under-appreciated. 

How often do you remember to thank your wife for taking care of you, the kids and the house?  It’s easy to let life take over and for couples to take each other for granted.  Valentine’s Day gives you the perfect excuse to show her just how much she means to you.  Gift Prose has the perfect gift no matter what your budget, and guys, here’s a little hint…if she tells you she doesn't want you to get her anything, she’s lying!

Be thoughtful, be smart, and win her heart all over again with any one of the many romantic gifts from Gift Prose.

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